Revolutionizing Businesses. Powering Payment Innovation.

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Referral Partner Program

We make our agent ISO’s lives easier through a full-service portal including two dozen high-risk banks and multiple payment options. Save time processing applications and spend more time earning residuals. Partner Program

Whether you work with high risk or low risk merchants, Revitpay’s ISO program provides solutions for every unique situation. Additionally, ISOs are never left to fend for themselves. Our team is available for personalized support whenever you need it.

One Stop Sign Up

As an ISO, we will give you an online merchant application form with a custom URL. Instead of handling multiple PDF applications for each merchant, your customized application form makes submitting deals a one-step process. Your clients will then have access to over 2 dozen merchant bank applications.

High Risk Merchant Solutions

No Processing Fees

Chargeback Prevention

CRM Portal

The information you need for each merchant you work with stays in one place: Revitpay’s advanced CRM portal. You’ll be able to track every deal submitted through your custom URL merchant form. Follow every step from when the merchant begins the process and throughout your work together.

The data in the CRM portal will include the status of all your leads. In addition, you will get a bird’s-eye view of how much revenue each client is generating.

Access to Banks

We partner with two dozen banks that accommodate high risk merchants and specific industries. You don’t have to search for a bank on your own. Our banking options are all listed in the CRM portal and gives you the ability to hand-pick the right one.

Convenient Automation

Once you pick the appropriate bank, our system generates a bank application filled out with your merchant’s information. After that, all you need is a digital signature and it’s ready to be submitted for review.

Ready to Get Started?

Let us accelerate your payment processing journey today!

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6120 Parkland Blvd Suite 202

Cleveland, OH 44124

© Copyright 2018 – 2023. I.C.K., LLC dba RevitPay – All Rights Reserved 

RevitPay is a registered ISO of Evolve Bank and Trust, 6070 200, Memphis, TN

RevitPay is a registered ISO of Esquire Bank N.A., Garden City, NY

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